



记得Nina跟Lily去酒吧喝酒时,遇到的那个叫Andrew的人么?当Nina向他讲述《天鹅湖》的结局时, Andrew问:是个悲剧?Nina说:It's beautiful,actually(实际上,很美)。我觉得这也是编剧借机对**本身结局的态度。保持美感就足够了,就像Thomas说的,永恒的美。美丽的事物只有死去才能定格成为永恒。成全了美,又何必在乎结局呢?




Seen as a companion piece to director Darren Aronofsky's critical hit The Wrestler, Black Swan is his love-letter to the operatic world of ballet. Similar to The Wrestler, this is a psychological study of a loyal servant to a chosen profession, who are pushed to the limits both physically and psychologically by the pressures of being good and relevant to their craft.

The performances are excellent, namely Portman. She is in practically every scene and is every bit as good as you've most likely heard. Her transformation from the sweet, dedicated Nina of the first half to the desperate, troubled one of the second is wholly convincing, and that is down to Portman's acting ability. The scene in the cubicle when she calls her mother to tell her she got the part perfectly captures Nina's joy mixed with utter disbelief and confusion. She's always been a very good actress, but apart from 2004's Closer, she's never really been given a role she can really chew on. Here she chews with aplomb. Like I stated in a previous post, I would not begrudge her the Oscar if she beats my hopeful Jennifer Lawrence for Winter's Bone.

Black Swan is a very well-made film with amazing scenes of ballet, powerful acting and loose, confrontational camera-work, similar to that of The Wrestler. I just wish Aronofsky had been a bit more original with the horror scenes and offered something genuinely tormenting, similar to what he did with Requiem For A Dream. Probably not for ballet-buffs either, unless you also enjoy scenes of fingernail removal and masturbation.


Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan is an examination of obsession. Obsession in striving for beauty, acceptance, and most of all perfection. It explores the dichotomy involved in both loving and hating yourself.

Though the themes in this movie may be formulaic and familiar, the arena in which it takes place, as well as the circumstances of each of these characters is what makes the film unique enough to stand on its own feet. Leroy, the dance instructor, announces to his company in the beginning that he wants to open with "Swan Lake", which as he acknowledges has been done to death - but not like this.

The portrayal of the dancing world with all of its gossip and back biting was very realistic as was the competitive edge and deep fear of failure that was always present. The overbearing mother who was a master manipulator and control freak added another level of dread and creepiness to the atmosphere. I immediately felt uneasy every time she was in the scene.

As Nina (Natalie Portman) begins to lose her mind it becomes more difficult for the viewer to tell what is real and what isn't. This is the point at which the film starts blurring the lines between psychological thriller and horror. Aronofsky knows how to put focus on the cringe worthy moments and make them even more disturbing than normal. The movie can make one feel uncomfortable at times, grossed out, and tense. The whole audience moved and gasped as one or flinched and turned their head away from the screen multiple times throughout the movie, showing just how powerful the Black Swan can be.

Lily was played perfectly by Mila Kunis. Though she's no stranger to the temptress role her seductive eyes and sly smile steal the show when she's on camera. You can see exactly why Nina would be intimidated by her. While some of the symbols and metaphors were a bit hey-handed and obvious like the giant black swan tattoo on Lily or the constant use of mirrors that reminded me of Donald from Adaptation, overall the devices used were well timed and effective.






