

3.求帮忙翻译一下这篇影评吧,最好能一段英文下面一段中文 万分感谢

4.用英语写一篇影评 50单词 及翻译


6.放牛班的春天一句话英文影评要带翻译 只要一句话 适合学生总结的




《刺杀》(Valkyrie:历史) 2009 (115 min) 英文影评:

What becomes of a movie star when the career hits a hiccup and the lustre starts to fade? If the movie star is smart, they go back to basics, reconnecting with the fire of their formative years. What drove them back then? What first made them strive for greatness? "When I was a kid I always wanted to kill Hitler," Tom Cruise revealed recently. "I hated that guy and all he stood for."

Valkyrie, then, is not just the latest Tom Cruise action thriller. It is the fruition of a dream; a boyhood fantasy writ large; a Hollywood blockbuster that provides an opportunity that was denied him in life. Inevitably he bungles it.

Bryan Singer's picture casts Cruise as Claus von Stauffenberg, the Wehrmacht colonel who spearheaded the 20 July 1944 plot to se the fatherland. Wounded in battle and sporting a natty eye-patch, von Stauffenberg has grown sick of war. He wants to "show the world that not all Germans are like Hitler". He hates that guy and all he stands for.

The obvious sticking point here is that (spoiler!) von Stauffenberg did not actually kill Hitler. The plot failed and the conspirators were executed. Played as a tragedy, or a stark study of failed ambitions, this might not he been a problem. Except that Singer opts to frame Valkyrie as a high-concept wartime suspense thriller, inviting us to suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride.

The 1944 plot was at least fiendishly planned and generally well executed. Singer's, by contrast, seems flawed and foolhardy from the start.

But what of Singer's co-conspirator? Valkyrie paints von Stauffenberg as the archetypal "good German", a model of elegant disenchantment. And yet Cruise, for all his skills as a performer, does not do disenchantment. For all the anguished moments of dou, the constant stares into the mirror, his von Stauffenberg is essentially Top Gun with an eye-patch.

The film's curious melange of dialects only underscores this quality. Von Stauffenberg's cohorts are played by British actors (Bill Nighy, Terence Stamp, Kenneth Branagh) who deliver their lines in English accents. The villainous Nazi is portrayed by German actor Thomas Kretschmann who speaks English in a German accent. And then - standing separate and apart - is Cruise himself, intoning his lines in pureblood American. He might as well he been dropped in from an Allied plane; a gung-ho Hollywood hero sent in to clean up a very European mess. He couldn't manage it as a kid, and he can't quite do it now. Hitler one; Tom Cruise nil.


什么成为一个**明星,当职业生涯击呃逆和光泽开始褪色?如果是聪明的**明星,他们回归本源,重新与消防的形成时期。是什么驱使他们回呢?第一次是什么使他们争取的伟大? “当我还是孩子的我一直想杀死, ”汤姆克鲁斯近日透露。 “我讨厌那个家伙和他主张。 ”


布莱恩辛格的蒙上克鲁斯的克劳斯冯施陶芬贝格,在国防军上校谁带头1944年7月20号阴谋拯救祖国。在战斗中受伤,并身穿整洁眼补丁,冯施陶芬贝格增加患病的战争。他希望“向世界表明,并不是所有的德国人喜欢” 。他讨厌那个家伙和他主张。

最明显的症结是, (扰流板! )冯施陶芬贝格实际上没有杀死。阴谋失败,阴谋被处决。打一场悲剧,或形成了鲜明的研究没有野心,这可能不是一个问题。但辛格选择框女神作为高概念战时悬疑惊悚片,邀请我们停止我们的怀疑和凑凑热闹。


但是歌手的同谋?女神油漆冯施陶芬贝格作为典型的“德国好人” ,一个优雅的模型觉醒。但克鲁斯,他的所有技能,作为一个演员,不会觉醒。所有的痛苦的时刻,毫无疑问,不断地凝视到镜子,他的冯施陶芬贝格基本上是壮志凌云的眼睛修补程序。

影片的好奇混杂的方言不仅强调了这一点质量。冯施陶芬贝格的同伙正在发挥英国演员(比尔奈伊,特伦邮票,肯尼斯布莱纳)谁提供的线在英语口音。纳粹的罪恶所描绘的是德国演员托马斯克莱彻曼谁讲英语的德国口音。然后-除了常设单独-是克鲁斯本人,他的线intoning美国在pureblood 。他可能也已下降盟军飞机从一个长庚浩好莱坞英雄发出清理非常欧洲一团糟。他无法管理它作为一个孩子,他不能做到现在。之一;汤姆克鲁斯为零。




The highlight of the film lies in Richard Kiel and Bagong. Professor Parker played by Richard Kiel is a gentle and kind-hearted intellectual man. Bagong is like Professor Parker's second child. The film describes the details of their lives.

The first half focuses on some interesting things encountered after meeting, and the second half describes the story of adult Bagong waiting, Although Professor Parker has been unable to realize the move brought to him by Bagong.










"阿甘正传"(Forrest Gump)is an extraordinary film that embodies the essence of life, love, and the power of determination. Tom Hanks delivers an exceptional performance as Forrest Gump, a simple-minded man who finds himself in the middle of significant historical events.

With its heartfelt storytelling and memorable characters, the film lees a lasting impact. The beautifully woven narrative teaches us about the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of embracing every moment.







求帮忙翻译一下这篇影评吧,最好能一段英文下面一段中文 万分感谢

1、Film Review 影评(功夫熊猫)

My forite moive is 《KongKu Panda》. It was a story about a panda named Po, who wanted to be a Kongfu warrior. One day he was chosen by chance to be Dragon warrior to fight against a bad guy. But the master thought he was not qualified, because he did know about KongFu, and tried to make him quit. Through his hardworking, he finally defeated the bad guy and became the Dragon warrior.

The film is so interesting and also has profound meaning. It tells the old and classic story about not giving up and believing in yourself. It is also very interesting to find out that the film is full of the Chinese elements and take them into account. The fat panda itself is the behalf of our country. And the music and lines in the moive is also very wonderful to represent the Chinese culture. It seems that Hollywood knows us better. The best line for me is Master Wugui's saying "Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called present."

2、Harry Potter (哈利波特)

I always enjoyed all the movie about Harry Potter. I must disclaim that I am a huge fan of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. I think the movie is really fascinatng. Harry Potter is a boy who has sorcery.He is very bre and firm. All the movies he many features. For example, the fourth movie 's circs is intense.But the fifth movie is very boring.Don ' t go to see it if you he time.

3、THE LEGEND OF 1900.(1990海上钢琴师)

today i saw a movie named THE LEGEND OF 1900.

it touched me so much that i narrowly began crying.

the movie is about a man who was born on the ship and played piano on it till the time the ship was destroyed and he himself died.the lonely man played piano throughout his life and he only had one friend,but that is a real friend.he once fell in love with a girl,but he did't own the courage to express his feeling.the movie is so great for it build a character who deeply touched everybody who watched the film.and the actor performance is also very natural.

it is a good film which is worth watching,so i hope every one can go to see the film and feel the heart of the man in the film.


用英语写一篇影评 50单词 及翻译


To call “Aftershock” a melodrama doesn’t really do it justice. Shortly after Feng Xiaogang’s film begins, a woman whose husband has just died in the devastating 16 Tangshan earthquake looks up and screams: “God! You bastard!” And things go downhill from there. Before you know it, she has a Sophie’s choice to make involving her two tred children and a concrete slab.


These scenes, including a highly effective rendering of the earthquake, which killed an estimated 240,000 people, are dispatched quickly. But the pain is just beginning. Still to come are an adoption, an unexpected pregnancy, terminal illness, two amputations, three emotional reunions, four abandonments and more than 30 years of exquisite suffering, guilt and resentment, until a redemptive finale brought about by — it’s almost too good to be true — the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.


The surprise is that while you’re aware that “Aftershock” is extracting tears with a sledgehammer, it doesn’t necessarily feel like abuse; it’s easy to let yourself go along with it. A lot of Chinese moviegoers did: “Aftershock” (the original title translates as “The Tangshan Earthquake”) is the highest-grossing domestic film in China’s history, its $100 million take since its release in July ranking it ahead of “The Founding of a Republic,” though still behind “Avatar.”

尽管所有人都会知道《唐山大地震》显然是一部催泪弹,但令人意外的是这部影片并不那么滥情;你可以很轻松地放任自己的情绪跟着片中的人物飘摇。事实上很多中国**观众也的确这样做了:于是《唐山大地震》(英文译名原为The Tangshan Earthquake,后改为Aftershock)成为了中国历史上最卖座的本土**,自七月份上映以来其累积票房收入达1亿美元,稳稳领先于《建国大业》,不过仍然落后于《阿凡达》。

Mr. Feng, director of the romantic caper “A World Without Thieves” and the romantic comedy “If You Are the One” (No. 3 in that box office ranking), has been called the Spielberg of China. In “Aftershock” the comparison makes sense in terms beyond commercial success. He somehow manages to mitigate the worst excesses of Su Xiaowei’s script. The film may be a blunt instrument , but it’s rarely maudlin — the exception being the performance of Mr. Feng’s wife, Fan Xu, as the long-suffering mother -and is, on occasion, quite moving. (Western viewers will still find some of the notions about family guilt to be over the top , but then they’re not accustomed to presumptive filial piety and a one-child policy.)



After watching the movie, I think the actor was a little crazier than actress, she didn't like the him that was pretty normal, because of the actor was a dreamer. He never went for his dream, just kept dreaming at home, he needed to achieve it, but never do it. I disointed on him, and pitied on the actress‘s encounter.

看完这部**之后,我认为男演员比女演员疯狂一点,她不喜欢他那是很正常的,因为男演员是一个梦想家。他从来没有去追求自己的梦想,只是在家一直梦想,他需要去实现它,但从来没有去做。我对他感到失望,和同情女演员的 遭遇。

放牛班的春天一句话英文影评要带翻译 只要一句话 适合学生总结的


"Changjin Lake" is a war theme film with the largest investment scale and the largest number of actors in Chinese film history.


Through the smoke of history, the work aims at the battle of Changjin lake on the eastern front of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea for the first time, and shows an unprecedented grand spectacle of war on the screen for the first time.


For the first time, it vividly created these little-known heroes of the ninth Corps represented by the seventh company, which made this magnificent battle thrilling and moving.


In particular, the film embodies a more thorough and modern view of war and history, reaching a new height of Chinese war films.



1.There is no one born to be bad. A good teacher can influence his students all through their lives.

没有学生是天生坏的。 一个好的老师会影响他的学生一辈子。

2.Wish that every teacher would teach his students by heart and enjoy his teaching life.


3. To be a teacher that be admired by his students is also a kind of hiness.





"Titanic" business is the left arm and love is the right arm. The bold praise of love goes beyond the scope of the audience's imagination of the scale of love films at that time.?

You know, this is watching a man and a woman chase, kiss and boldly express their love on the big screen.?

The love shown in the film is not limited by the gap between the rich and the poor. It values love at first sight and is eager to burn in an instant.?

This is the universal value of love in the world. Of course, the Chinese audience is also hy to accept it and he an addiction in the painful love of others.







她讲述了她和Jack dawson(杰克·道森)的旷世爱情。


Badass League tells the story of the world ' s most wanted gang , the Badass League , who decide to change their ways and become model citizens . The message of Bad Guys League is very clear .?

On the one hand , break down stereotypes and don ' t label others . For example , many parents often tell their children not to play with " bad kids ".

For adults , the world is neither good nor evil nor black and white , and they prefer the film ' s initial depiction of the bad guys ' league as something of an animated Quentin Tarantino , only the film quickly descends into a childlike worldview .


对于成年人来说,这个世界既不是善也不是恶,也不是黑白的,他们更喜欢**最初对坏人联盟的描述,就像昆汀·塔伦蒂诺(Quentin Tarantino)的动画一样,只是这部**很快就变成了一个孩子气的世界观。