
2.《那些年我们一起追的女孩 》英文影评 或者用英语翻译这段




the lover 豆瓣_lover影评

Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul(简爱)

Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after hing a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in earance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…

When we think of this girl, what she ge us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.

Learn to love and care(雾都孤儿)

Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I he just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens.

The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside. These supreme resources I’m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. They’re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care.

Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. They showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply.

Mr. Brownlow is one such person.

The other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled age thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place. Being wrathful, he caught Oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked. Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards. With sympathy, Mr. Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home. There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr. Brownlow’s own son. One day, however, Mr. Brownlow asked Oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected. The thief Oliver once stayed with kidned him. After that he diseared in Mr. Brownlow’s life. Searching for a while, Mr. Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money. But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later. Without hesitation, Mr. Brownlow took Oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.

Perhaps most of us would feel confused about Mr. Brownlow’s reaction. But as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him. Jesus said in the Bible. “Forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.” Why is that? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. Stop put Mr. Brownlow into the list of your models. Always give people a second chance no matter what they might he done. That’s also a substantial part of loving and caring others.

Charles Dickens said:“Love makes the world go around.” These immortal words he inspired and will keep on inspiring us to chant the melody of love and to say the prayer of care forevermore. Let us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly. These principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together.

Pride and Prejudice (傲慢与偏见)

Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and ge the people in her works vivid characters.

The characters he their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t he her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century.

The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s fourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginning of this book.

Austen left this problem for us to think. The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “Pride and Prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The plots in her works are always very natural. The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. I think the depth of Pride and Prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.

Lee Dead Man Island(亡灵岛)

Carol was once a hy and sunshiny girl. But after her father died in a plane crash, she became bad and took drugs. She had secrets in her heart and didn’t want others to know them. When Carol went to an island, she found the host had a bigger secret than hers: he had killed a girl in a car crash. So he needed an island to hide himself.

This is the story in Dead Man’s Island.

I think everybody has done something wrong and wants to keep the secrets in his or her heart. But do you know, even if we can escape from others’ eyes, we can’t escape from our own hearts.

I had been told a story like this: A woman felt ill and she went to see a doctor. The doctor examined her carefully and told the woman, ‘There is a tumor in your uterus. You’d better take an operation immediately.’ The woman agreed.

When the doctor cut open the woman’s abdomen, he got such a big surprise—there was a baby in the uterus, not a tumor. The doctor was sweating all over.

‘What to do? Take out the baby, or told the woman’s husband that it was just a tumor?’ ‘But … I am a doctor!’ He thought.

At last, the doctor sewed up the woman’s abdomen. When he told the woman’s husband the truth, the man didn’t move for a while. But then, the man jumped to the doctor, shouting at him. He was so angry and wanted to hit the doctor.

After the accident, a friend of the doctor’s asked him ‘Why did you do so? If you took out the baby, no one knows.’

‘But I know!’ said the doctor.

I he a very similar experience. That was a Monday, I was cleaning the classroom after school. John, my friend came up to me. He was looking for my maths teacher. But the teacher had been after work. So I told John to come again the next day. I said to myself, if I met the maths teacher, I would tell him that John had been looking for him.

When I was on my way home, I just looked at the ground, thinking about something. At that moment, my maths teacher came towards me and passed by. When I realized that, it was too late. The teacher had gone far away.

At night, when I was lying on the bed, my brain was full of the thing hened in the afternoon. The next day, John would find the maths teacher and not think about me, just as nothing hened. But I felt sorry for John. I wanted to do something for him, but I didn’t. Nobody knew what my idea was, but I knew.

Many things like the dead man on the island. After the crash, he made himself ‘dead’ and hid on the island. Maybe, he made others forget the crash, forget himself, but he couldn’t forget. He always felt remorseful and locked himself in his heart house.

What others think is not important, we should listen to ourselves.

I think every one may face sad things, like relatives’ death, missing the good high school, losing your best friends. Sometimes we feel cross and often ask ‘Why does the God do this to me?’

To let oneself feel better, we maybe do more wrong things. But hy and free time is transient. After that, we will he ourselves, hate life, hate everybody.

We want to forget, but can’t. more and more secrets are hidden in hearts. We close our window, and it is dark inside. Old days follow us forever, how we wanted the ‘man’ in the past can die. Nothing matters. Sadness is filled in our body. We live just like a dead man.

Escaping can do nothing. Beginning a new life is the most important, take sadness but live strongly.

When Carol left Dead Man island, I think she knew this all. The host influenced her. Don’t be remorseful any more, face new life, no hiding, no giving up the beautiful life, show the world a real self.

Lee Dead Man’s Island, let a bunch of sunshine get into your heart house.


Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . if (Capitalize "If" since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king, how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. Every time we make a decision we he to think twice.


Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes.

It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing.


"Spider-Man 3" to the large American-style American justice line, Stars and Stripes provides some background under a continuation of this tradition. Director of the Song and Dance Drama introduction of a number of elements to make the movie tough transition soft lines. But many of them still exposed the inadequacies, such as the introduction of the three opponents make films delicate enough. Although the three opponents makes the selling point of the film rich enough to describe the convincing. May is a long-time director of the restrictions on expression, that is to be regretted. The feelings expressed in the drama, the drama pm, because shear. Make no feelings lines, "Spider-Man 2" high. Directors may wish to use Parker and Harry's friendship elements to complement this part, it is regrettable that these were part of human nature to hide.

After all, more than two hours of film shear Association inevitable lot of directors was reluctant to cut off part. Oh, the film overall is very strong. It should be said that the main thrust of expression is very delicate, very chewing head. Rhythm is still continuation of a rapid tradition. The taste is worth careful film.




Tonight I watched the movie for the third time. I really enjoy this film so much.

So what's your choice between being a common person or a hero with people's respects? Most people will choose the latter. But what will be your choice if the cost is laying your lover among the risks? What will it be if the cost is you can never tell the girl, who you love so much, that you love her? The spider man had this contradiction. But finally he still chose the latter, not in order to be a hero, but to make this word peaceful.

I was so moved by the words the Aunt Mary said:

You will never guess what he wants to be, the spider man. He knows the hero when he sees one, too a few characters out there, flying all around out there, sing old girls like me. Lord knows kids like Henry need hero courageous, sacrificing for people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People enthrone them, cheer them, scream their names and years later they will tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse the one who taught them to hold on to stand longer. I believe there is a hero in all of us. They keep us be honest, give us strength, make us noble, and finally allow us to die with proud. Ever though sometimes we he to initiatively give up the thing we want most, even our dreams. Spider man did that for Henry, so he wants to know where he is gone. He needs him.

The spider man got much from these words, so did I. And what about you? what's the hero lying in you?

《那些年我们一起追的女孩 》英文影评 或者用英语翻译这段

这次,推荐的是 ** 小村。

The movie recommended today is "Village"


In a small village that could be seen all over the 18th Century's Europe, the villagers lived peacefully there. The elder and sainted presbyters controlled the laws and rules of the village while the youngsters grew up, worked, lived and generated under the teaching of the elders.


Around the village were the dense forests, but there was another kind of creature in the forests who were much more stronger than the human beings, they had paws and buckteeth, they held intellegence.


It was said that a long long time ago, that creature had signed an agreement with the villagers that they would not invade and disturb each others. only would the villagers Present some food to that creature could they exchange their safty.


The story began from the relationship between 4 youngsters. A couple of sisters while the youner was blind, a young guy and all their friend, a retarded guy.


the four friends grew up together. Gradually, the young guy became the boyfriend of he sister, and got the agreement and contentment of all the elders. The so called love,is a perfect match.

在姐姐和姐夫婚礼之前的几天,一次妹妹遇到了姐夫,在祝福的同时,妹妹说出了姐夫的心事“sometimes we don`t do things we want to do,so that others won`t know we want to do them……”。是的,小伙子真正喜欢的是妹妹。

some days before her sister's wedding ceremony, the youner sister met her brother-in-law, blessing at the same time, she spoke out for his heart."sometimes we don`t do things we want to do,so that others won`t know we want to do them." that was it, the young guy loved the younger sister trully.


Therefore, the wedding ceremony was cancelled. The elder sister weeped.


the comfy melody of guitar sprang out at the twice datings of the lovers. Even if encountering the jeopardy of life, it seemed that they were playing the firmness and sweetnees of their love. under the lunarlight and clouds, it also seemed that all had already been obstinate in each others' hearts.


after receiving the bless of her sister, the hiness of love bankrupted only in a second. the retarded guy stabed the young man with a dagger.


love, until the hurt.


the presbyters were touched by the blind sister and ge her the permission to trel to seek for the medicine that could cure her lover. she experinced running dangerous and difficult road, but at the crossing where the presbyters described,she only saw a high wall touched with no ends....


when we saw her climb over the wall with clay allover, the world which existed in front of our eyes is actually a modern world. road,automobiles.....


the presbyters had been hurt in their primier lives, however, how would it change of the pain from the society? And so, there had been a village,a Xanadu secluded from the world. it was a lie of the creature in the forest, cuz it was fain to keep safe. And, life, really escaped from the time lapsing queitly...

小村,被归于 惊悚 片,却是温情脉脉的故事。

Villgae, is sorted as a panic movie. Actually, it is exuding tenderness and love through eyes.


the director who can ensure with his fame, the NO.1 costar who won the Oscar bast actor, the beautiful actress whose family is distinguished but who is not care about.....



In facr, the need is simple/


It is said that everyone has his brokeback mountain in his heart, and how about the same sense of the village?


Youth is not a time, it is not a country, people in different times of youth always looked so beautiful, perhaps because of youth and its not perfect, we on the memory of youth will feel so perfect. 90years CCTV classic hit series snow, Ouyang, Chen non son, Han Xiaole, Yuan Ye pattern ager bloom belong to our" sweet six",95 years Jiang Wen hit debut" sunny days" for their lost in201070, chopsticks brother" old boy" and to sing the song of youth, in the same period, Thailand little fresh work will" love this little thing", become domestic fans to watch the event. In 2011, nine knives" girl we loved those years" unprecedented unpopular, and ge birth to "the body" pop, triggered a new round of80 after the collective nostalgia craze.

Approximate youth running account" the girl we loved those years", is the nine knife ( Ke Jingteng ) on the youth time is memory, after years of first love lover Shen Jiayi ( Shen Chia-Yi ) a letter of late love letter, nine knives in their own blood youth once again awakened for those of us with the youth about the days of memories, bring80 people the most pure feeling and resonance.


呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights

Time has not been completely kind to the 1939 version of "Wuthering Heights". Intended as a great tearjerker, it now comes across almost as camp. The hammy performances and dramatic dialogue are very entertaining, however.

The Emily Bronte classic has been condensed to feature the romance between Cathy and Heathcliff. Petulant beauty Cathy (Merle Oberon) and her sadistic, self-destructive brother Hindley (Hugh Williams) inherit the Wuthering Heights estate from their benevolent father (Cecil Humphreys). Left out is brooding adopted son/gypsy/stableboy Heathcliff (Lawrence Olivier). Since society would frown on their relationship, Cathy dumps Heathcliff for wealthy snob neighbor Did Niven. Heathcliff vows revenge on all concerned, which he does upon making his fortune.

Oberon and Olivier had been teamed up before in the highly successful "Divorce of Lady X" from 1938, but Olivier, not yet a star in America, had wanted lover Vivien Leigh (they would wed in 1940) as Cathy. United Artists instead offered Leigh the secondary lead, which she declined. ("Gone with the Wind" ge her a better role anyway). Ironically, Oberon and Olivier supposedly detested each other. Hollywood legend has it that when Director William Wyler yelled "cut" after a particularly romantic scene, Oberon shouted at him "Tell him [Olivier] to stop spitting on me!"

"Wuthering Heights" had excellent production values. The sets, especially the rocky crags, are elaborate, as are Oberon's costumes. The film was rewarded with box office success and a slew of Oscar nominations: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (Olivier), Best Original (?) Screenplay (Ben Hecht), Best Art Direction (James Basevi), Best Cinematography (Gregg Toland), Best Score (Alfred Newman), Best Supporting Actress (Geraldine Fitzgerald). Given strong competition from films such as "Gone with the Wind", "Wuthering Heights" did not win any awards.



Youth is a hey rain. Even cold, also hope to pour it back again.


Youth is a book, a book read the impressive, a let you lead a person to endless aftertastes book


One day Ke Jingteng due to excessive practical joke by the tutor punishment, get a good student in front of Shen Jiayi, by her generation surveillance. The first two people each other to resist, but Ke Jingteng gradually like forced him to study hard for Shen Jiayi, Shen Jiayi was also influenced by Ke Jingteng brings different values deeply impact. Ke Teng started to pursue, Shen Jiayi shilly-shally.


After graduating from high school, the original is in with Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi, but Ke Teng held free fighting a big quarrel, regrettably failed to become lovers.


" I want to be a bad man, so called fierce, lets this world, because had me, will be a little bit different."


Finally, we got to grow their own, he their own future. No one to cry, no one worries, only full of blessings and nonsense.


It is a tough bet to retell a story which has already been told not once but many number of times. We all know what hens in Cinderella, but it would take Disney to make an already known story to be interesting. The way this version of Cinderella has been told makes all the difference. Disney and Fairy tales are made for each other so much, that no matter how many times they tell the same story, it is still as interesting as watching it for the first time. Throw in some top class CGI to the fairy tale, and voila you he a stunning movie, and yes the movie was stunning, be it the palace, which i believe was CGI, the performances by the artists and above all the screenplay had been extremely well written all over the movie. Thankfully this one is not a musical like its predecessor, from Disney.So full marks to the director Kenneth Branagh, and full scores to Lily James for portraying the most loved character of all times. Also a special mention to the characterization of the prince,played by Madden, that rather than being portrayed as the lover boy Prince Charming, who just falls in love over Cinderella, in this version he shows his character by standing up for his love.