




6.哈利波特读后感如下 翻译 急需!




Harry and Potter received a notice from Hogwarts. He was able to learn magic. Chance to meet friends Ron and Hermione. Once, they knew the magic stone, and Voldemort wanted it because it had magic power. For this, Harry Potter carried out a "battle" with good friends and the Death Eater chill.




I he a lot of desire can not be completed, if I am a Harry Potter, then I will certainly be able to do.

If I were Harry Potter, I will use my magic magic let human moon, the moon live and work in peace and to create an artificial atmosphere, surrounded by the moon. Laughter on the moon, humans, animals, all people are peaceful coexistence. In this way, the Earth is no longer so many buildings, and roads are more wide, rivers, sea water is also not he to worry about dried up, because the moon he enough water for our use, rapid extinction of some animals will not be human hunting, and human in space, a number of pollution-free green plants, for human use, the development of drugs on the moon than on Earth to develop more effective to overcome the medical field of incurable diseases, treatment of incurable disease. Between Earth and the moon has a track, through Checkpoint, which is very convenient, fast.

If I were Harry Potter, I could use divine power to create Lord of the Rings, put it, could he injured people in the immediate recovery, so that annoying busy people immediately forget the gloom, some soul bad people, it will immediately bring repentance. There is also a Lord of the Rings battle, fighting for use, if foreign invasion, and will be brought to stealth fighters, for more effective actions against the enemy, and the force will increase indefinitely.

If I were Harry Potter, I will eat insects machines and found that pest,捉走immediately,吞进belly, and then out into fertilizer, as an emissary to protect crops.

If I were Harry Potter, I will ------

检测语言 > 英语 互换翻译


The soaring hormones of youth are perhaps the best selling point of Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire, as well as the magic ingredient.

The special effects and the intensity of detail are the key to the film's re reviews.

The twilight of the age Harry and his friends' desire to resist is even more endearing, and perfectly embellishes the darkness and heiness of the Harry films.










Once again, I believe that the series is only getting better with each progressi ve movie. I attended a preview screen ing tonight and was completely blown away by the movie. While quite a bit of detail was lost in the movie, how ca n you really expect a three hour movi e to capture what takes Rowling hundr eds of pages to explain? This said, Yates did a great job capturing the spirit of th e book, and he had me on my seat fro m the first scene all the way through th e end of the movie. I cried, I laughed, a nd I am pretty sure there were a few ti mes where I couldn't breathe from the tension.

What really made the movie for me w as the talent of the actors. As expected, the older cast members deliver some o f the best acting England has to offer. Si denote: there is something about Emm a Thompson where every time she crie s in a movie, I start tearing up myself. I w as especially impressed with how muc h Daniel, Emma (Watson), and Rupert h e improved their acting since the las t movie. Hing come from seeing Dani el in Equus two weeks ago, I was expec ting a lot from him. Even after seeing hi m display more intensity than I thought possible on stage, he surprised me in Ph oenix. His emotions were so raw and ge nuine that I literally got goosebumps.

再次,我相信该系列是越来越好每一进步**。我参加了一个预览筛选今晚完全吹走的**。虽然相当多的细节损失的**,怎么能指望你真的一三小时**捕捉罗琳数百页的解释?此说,她做了大量工作,捕捉的精神,这本书,他让我的座位从第一现场所有的方式通过了最后的**。我哭了,我笑了,而我确信有一些时间,我无法呼吸的张力。真正的**我是天赋的演员。正如预期的那样,老演员提供一些为英国提供了最佳表演。斯表示:有一些关于恩汤普森每次她内心的**,我开始撕裂了我自己。我也特别留下深刻的印象如何过丹尼尔,艾玛(屈臣氏),和鲁伯特已经改善了他们的代理以来,最新**。来看到大牛在马2周前,我期望听他很多。即使是看到他显示更多的强度比我想象的舞台上,他让我吃惊oenix PH值。他的情绪非常原始和通用出于我就是得起鸡皮疙瘩。


Film Review Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry potter is one of the famous book in the world .The author show us a different world--a magical world.I think this is the main reason for attracting so many readers.

It tell us a story about the pullulation of a boy Harry Potter.He studies in a magical school--Hogwarts and has to fight aganist Lord Voldemort who killed his parents when he was a baby with his friends Ron,Hermione and other bre and virtuous wizards.

Recently Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix has been shown .Even though I had waiting for it for a long time, and couldn't wait to see it,but I didn't he enough confidence in it .Because the film couldn't all the things the book has :complex story,strange creatures,terrible darkarts and Quidditch.Everyone has his own magical world .What is more, the director was not as famous as the first four films'.But after seeing it ,I feel it is better than I he thought .In the film, it is a complete story ,people who hen't seen the book can easily understand it.The love between Harry and his godfather is moving.The first love of Harry is worth seeing,but the shame of Harry and chang ,complexity of their feeling are not explained clearly.At the end of the film ,the members of the order of the Phoenix will fight against Death Eaters . They use different magics ,green,red and other colours lights are sent out from wands.It will make your heartleap with excitment.

In the film ,We can know that the actings of Emma and Danie are improved.To my delight,Icanalsosee some famous English actors:Helena,Gary.Oldman,Alan.richman.how well they act!

This film follow the style of the first four films.It's still a good film,though it has some mistakes.I am eager to see the next film of Harry Potter,to see what surprises the director will make for us.有点长,不过很好的

哈利波特读后感如下 翻译 急需!

Ten years ago, when the bespectacled boy first eared, not many people would he expected that he and his partner would be a generation. I he not Harry Potter, I'm not even any person or thing fans, but it be rather baffling involuntarily followed Harry Potter through my ten years. " Harry Potter" never give me any move, I in Harry Potter who can not find any that resonates with me emotional elements, can attract me only the lustrous and dazzling world of magic. Some people find it difficult to tear apart relative to emotionally, Harry Potter Series in these years for me is a heterogeneous world is full of whimsy. I think this view can represent a considerable part of the Harry Potter fans can be psychological, and many components mixed different ideas fans together, in the ten years between watching a non-existent character growth, whether you like it or not, it cannot be denied that it is a successful cultural phenomenon

Harry Porter series of films is a special cultural phenomenon, in the pursuit of profit maximization for the main purpose of contemporary commercial film in ten years, the main actor and film together, never separated, only the" Harry Potter". Several boys grow when exposed to a worldwide audience eyes, many people also lee their daydreams into the hero's body. Warner took a fancy to this point is grasped this point, fans take it and enjoy it. Then, in the movie and see a movie together, a win-win situation is formed, a movie myth becomes reality

I can't be keenly aware of the fans of the" loneliness of being apart", I think this one can be communicated emotion is: ten years of my life and to God, if he really does exist. For their relentless passage of life be contrite and reform oneself perhaps can let me think this movie is produced when a sigh of reason, and this point enough to the success of the film Harry Potter added a footnote. When the mood is ignited, when things are at this stage, when the nostalgia and bid farewell to a generation of fans in the summer of emotional themes," Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ( under)" whether exciting and pleasing to most people, has become less important. Although the pursuit of the interests of people take an ending is divided into two sets to seduce the audience, it is how much the purpose impure, but who cares about this point?

After reading this book, Ican not calm my mind for a long time. I am proud of Harry Porter for his survived. This serial of books tell us a story about Harry and his friends' fight with Lord Voldemort, and eventually, they protect the world of magic which makes me admire him more.

Hogwarts School is so magical that Iwant to be a Wizard like Harry or his friend Hermione.But I he to admit that there is no magic school in the world.However, magic is always on my mind. Can we say it is magic that help those who receive a admission notice

from Qsinghua or Beida? Definitely no.But they he dreams and try their best to chase after it.

I know the real magic is not to we a magic wand and say "Ava Kedra"or "Fuchsia"or call god for guard. It's to carry dreaams and to make them come true. Also with brery, like J.K.,the writer of Harry Porter.She was a single mother and live a extremely difficult life. But Harry Porter brought her great honor and treasure, and now ,she's a successful and hy woman.

I love Harry, for all kinds of reasons. Even for a period of time, I talk about him whenever I speak a word, and take a black chopsticks as a wand. By now, I understand clearly the Harry Porter is my role model forever and ever.
