




was wrongfully convicted in court, Xiao Shenke prison. Andy every hour and moment not longing for freedom and hope, faith that he spent 29 years of time. When he escaped, hope and freedom of the distillation. " I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying." this is Andy impresses me saying," Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." it tells us that important.








The huge public affection for the Shawshank Redemption may be due to The poignant score by Thomas Newman.

But more importantly, there is the touching characterization and deep friendship between the two prisoners, Ros and Freeman.

This highlights the enduring resilience of the human spirit.





原版作者斯蒂芬·金曾通过一美元宝贝(Dollar Baby)帮助新导演树立名声。1983年,该片的导演弗兰克·德拉邦特用1美元从斯蒂芬手中买下《房间里的女人》的**改编版权并拍成短片,这也是两人的首次合作。




Shawshank Redemption is a film co-operated by white people and black people. It told a story about the life in the prison.

A man called Andy Dufresne, was sent into the prison, Shawshank, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed. However, he was innocent as he said. The new days in the prison were hard to live. It’s violent, heartless and cruel. A month later, Andy began to make friends with other prisoners. One of them called Red, who could get anything what he wanted. Andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape. During this time, he did many things: expanding the library, cing stones, making tainted money for the prison governor, etc. It took him 20 years to tunnel secretly and he successfully escaped from the prison. Before that, Andy had told his best friend Red that his dream---Zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory. After escaping, Andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested. Several years later, Red was roved to lee. He had lived inside for 40 years. He was institutionized. Sometimes he thought of getting back again as he didn’t belong the world, but he didn’t, for the promise to Andy. Finally, in Zihuyatanejo, they met.

It is a good film. The cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me. The story goes to a hy ending---redemption.


When I had finished watching the movie,I was excited and wanted to watch it again.Wheather the figures and details or the spirit that the music conveyed to."Hope is dangerous" Red had ever said,But Andy has always sticked to it.He didn’t cry when he was thrown into prison though he was innocent. On contrary, he found ways to kill long time to escape. He helped the head of the prison do the illegal things in order to gain some freedom. He rebuilt a library and helped the other prisoners. All the prisoners liked him, for he helped them find hope again. Perhaps it was time to escape, in a lightening and thundering night, he escaped from the prison through the hole he had dug for twenty years . He was free eventually .

I like Andy ,for his talent and his wisedom . And the most important thing that I like is his spirit—never giving up.


When I had finished watching the movie,I was excited and wanted to watch it again.Wheather the figures and details or the spirit that the music conveyed to."Hope is dangerous" Red had ever said,But Andy has always sticked to it.He didn’t cry when he was thrown into prison though he was innocent. On contrary, he found ways to kill long time to escape. He helped the head of the prison do the illegal things in order to gain some freedom. He rebuilt a library and helped the other prisoners. All the prisoners liked him, for he helped them find hope again. Perhaps it was time to escape, in a lightening and thundering night, he escaped from the prison through the hole he had dug for enty years . He was free eventually . I like Andy ,for his talent and his wisedom . And the most important thing that I like is his spirit—never giving up. 这个个人是觉得比较不错的。 至少诠释了它。 《肖申克的救赎》影评英文100字左右,可以先把相信你自己所观察到的学生汉语,然后再用有道词典翻译。 我看过的,你进入//veryabc.cn/movie/ 用**的英文名称搜索就能找了. 不过好像都比较长,你试试吧,找不找就算了…… 1. Why do I want to write the ment about The Shawshank Redemption? I am not sure - almost everything that could be possibly said about it has been said. But like so many other people who wrote ments, I was and am profoundly moved by this simple and eloquent depiction of hope and friendship and redemption. The only other movie I he ever seen that effects me as strongly is To Kill a Mockingbird. Both movies lee me feeling cleaner for hing watched them. I didn't intend to see this movie at all: I do not like prison movies and I don't normally watch them. I work at a branch library and one day as I was checking The Shawshank Redemption out to one of our older patrons, she said to me, "Whenever I feel down or depressed, I check out this movie and watch it and it always makes me feel better." At the time, I thought that was very strange. One day there was nothing on TV except things I absolutely would not watch under any circumstance or things that I had seen too many times already. I remembered what she said, so I watched it. I he watched it many many times since then and it gets better with every showing. No action, no special effects - just men in prison uniforms talking to each other. The Shawshank Redemption and To Kill a Mockingbird) are the best movies I he ever seen. I do not judge it by it's technical merits - I don't really care about that. I he read that Citizen Kane or The Godfather or this or that movie is the best movie ever made. They may he the best technique or be the most influential motion pictures ever made, but not the best. The best movies are ones that touch the soul. It takes a movie like The Shawshank Redemption to touch the soul. 2. The reason I became a member of this database is because I finally found a movie ranking that recognized the true greatness of this movie. There is nary a word or scene out of place in the entire thing. Every element es together to form an exquisite story for cinema. I believe that one reason that this movie is under-reciated is that people he not seen it multiple times. On first viewing it is the story of Andy Dufresne and his struggle to maintain hope despite his circumstances. However, this is really a movie about Red and his struggle to find meaning and purpose. The final segment of the movie testifies to the fact that the final resolution of the story es about only when Red is faced with the same fearful situation as Brooks. Because of Andy, Red can find a different path-the path of freedom that is lit by hope. Who is your Andy Dufresne? The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ name, but in fact it is a jail’s name——a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behed brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seemed that only those utterly worthless people who ge up everything could survive. That’s where the story hened. The part impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jail. He extended his arms in front of him in the hey rain as if he were weling the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw the confidence win the darkness, discharging light dazzling the eyes in the dark blue sky. Under the light, I could feel my recreant heart being shivering as his voice said: “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!” That’s why I like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to reciate the beauty of life, and the most importance is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells us that even a man can live once, but if he keeps confidence, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough. The congfidence is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief hiness that this world affords, and the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the hiness hope brings. " What’s that do you think? It’s the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.”

第一篇Shawshank Redemption is a film co-operated by white people and black people. It told a story about the life in the prison.A man called Andy Dufresne, was sent into the prison, Shawshank, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed. However, he was innocentas he said. The new days in the prison were hard to live. It’s violent, heartless and cruel. A month later, Andy began to make friendswith other prisoners. One of them called Red, who could get anything what he wanted. Andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape. During this time, he did many things: expanding the library, cing stones, making tainted money for the prison governor, etc. It took him 20 years to tunnelsecretly and he successfully escaped from the prison. Before that, Andy had told his best friendRed that his dream---Zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory. After escaping, Andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested. Several years later, Red was roved to lee. He had lived inside for 40 years. He was institutionized. Sometimes he thought of getting back again as he didn’t belong the world, but he didn’t, for the promise to Andy. Finally, in Zihuyatanejo, they met.It is a good film. The cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me. The story goes to a hy ending---redemption. 第二篇When I had finished watching the movie,I was excited and wanted to watch it again.Wheather the figures and details or the spirit that the music conveyed to."Hope is dangerous" Red had ever said,But Andy has always sticked to it.He didn’t cry when he was thrown into prison though he was innocent. On contrary, he found ways to kill long time to escape. He helped the head of the prison do the illegal things in order to gain some freedom. He rebuilt a library and helped the other prisoners. All the prisoners liked him, for he helped them find hope again. Perhaps it was time to escape, in a lightening and thundering night, he escaped from the prison through the holehe had dug for twenty years . He was free eventually .I like Andy ,for his talent and his wisedom . And the most important thing that I like is his spirit—never giving up.I he never seen such an amazing film since I saw The Shawshank Redemption. Shawshank encompasses friendships, hardships, hopes, and dreams. And what is so great about the movie is that it moves you, it gives you hope. Even though the circumstances between the characters and the viewers are quite different, you don't feel that far removed from what the characters are going through.

It is a simple film, yet it has an everlasting message. Frank Darabont didn't need to put any kind of outlandish special effects to get us to love this film, the narration and the acting does that for him. Why this movie didn't win all seven Oscars is beyond me, but don't let that sway you to not see this film, let its ranking on the IMDb's top 250 list sway you, let your friends recommendation about the movie sway you.

Set aside a little over two hours tonight and rent this movie. You will finally understand what everyone is talking about and you will understand why this is my all time forite movie.


The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ name, but in face it is a jail——a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behed brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seemed that only those utterly worthless people who ge up everything could survive. That’s where the story hened.

The part impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jai. He extended his arms in front of him in the hey rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw the faith win the darkness, discharging light dazzling the eyes in the dark blue sky. Under the light, I could feel my recreant innermost being shivering as his voice said: “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”

That’s why I like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to reciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live once, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough. The faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief hiness that this world affords, and the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the hiness hope brings. " What’s that do you think? It’s the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.”






三、He you ever known a famous experiment of the flea? In my point of view, I think it has

some commons with the film Shawshank Redemption.

First I'd like to introduce the experiment. It was an experiment about the flea. A zoologist

put some fleas in a glass cylinder,then used a piece of glass to cover it. At first every flea did

all it can in jumping. It must be painful.So after several times,they jumped a little lower,in case

of knocking the glass.After three days,when the zoologist took off the glass,he found that no

flea would jump out of the glass cylinder.Why? Because they got used to jump gently.

We can find the glass is a visible prison to the fleas,but they build an invisible prison for

themselves after three days.

The same with the film,the characters like the fleas in a visible prison which is called Shawshank.

There are three characters made a deep impression on me. They are Andy 、 Red and Brooks.

Though they are the same in the visible prison,they are different .The difference

between them is whether there located an invisible prison in their heart.

Brooks who lives in the Shawshank for fifty years.He likes the flea in the experiment,when

he gets the chance to lee Shanwshank, he chooses to threaten his mates in order to stay in Shanwshank.

But he fails,his only hope is broken.During the fifty years,he builds an invisible prison for himself.

I remember the first time I watched this film was in my senior high school,and I still remember

that I cried hard when I saw Brooks hung himself.At that time I thought it's the fault of the

society,but now I think it's the fault of the invisible prison.Red's words proves my point:"Man's

been here fifty years. This place is all he knows. In here, he's an important man,

an educated man. A librarian. Out there, he's nothing but a used up old con with

arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he lied. You see what

I'm saying?”“Believe what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then

you get used to 'em. After long enough, you get so you depend on 'em. That's "institutionalized."”

It is the "institutionalized" put Brooks into the invisible prison.He has no hope in the

invisible prison,life becomes meaningless.He gets dying.

Red,is an man who can break his invisible prison.He is another kind of flea.

At first he likes Brooks,he build an invisible for himself.He told Andy that hope

is a dangerous thing,hope can drive a man insane,it's got no use the inside,you’d

better get used to that idea.At that time,he has already built the invisible prison

and broke his hope.He couldn't hack it on the outside.Been in here too long, he

is an institutional man now.Like old Brooks Hatlen was.In the prison he is the

guy who get it for the others.Out there, he wouldn't know where to begin. But

Andy's word influences him"get busy living,or get busy dying."At that time,Red

picks up his hope which breaks the invisible prison.When a man has the courage

to break the invisible one,let alone the visible one.At the end of film,Red get out

of the Shawshank and has a new life in the society with his hope! Red,may short

of the word"redemption",and he redeems himself.

Andy who is the hero in this film.And he is an amazing flea! There is no prison

in his mind.Shawshank is the visible prison which seems very sturdy .But he just uses

a small hammer to dig a hole,then he breaks the prison.19 years is a long time! But to Andy,his

hope supports him so that he can ignore the time! As the famous sentence goes hope can set

you free.I think another different between Andy and the others is that he never has an invisible

one in his heart.From the beginning to the end,he is free in his mind.That's why he can do what

the others cannot do! During the 19 years,he holds his hope,he still remember the hight which

he can reach.

The three man are three different kinds of fleas.The fleas tells us not to be prisoned in the invisible

prisons and remember hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever


We should set us free with our hopes!Let's break the invisible prison!
