








When I at the age of 6, the first time I saw the English film is harry potter, I for one of those wonderful story moved, so after every one of my also read out, but also saw harry potter book.

2.这一系列的**讲述的就是一名与众不同的小巫师和他的朋友们在Hogwaets school里发生的故事,在这所学校里,所有的学生都是与哈利波特相同的小巫师,而且每一学年都会发生许多与众不同的事。

This series of movie about is a distinctive young wizard and his friends are used Hogwaets hened in the story, in this school, all the students are the same with the young wizard harry potter, and every school year will hen many different things.


The film's filming choose in the British many famous place, let's go together.


Film first out is in nine years ago, nine years passed and the three leading role with film gradually grew up.


Next, please enjoy some about the movie pictures


Today, "harry potter" seventh department is coming, let's see the trailer.


Ten years ago, when the bespectacled boy first eared, not many people would he expected that he and his partner would be a generation. I he not Harry Potter, I'm not even any person or thing fans, but it be rather baffling involuntarily followed Harry Potter through my ten years. " Harry Potter" never give me any move, I in Harry Potter who can not find any that resonates with me emotional elements, can attract me only the lustrous and dazzling world of magic. Some people find it difficult to tear apart relative to emotionally, Harry Potter Series in these years for me is a heterogeneous world is full of whimsy. I think this view can represent a considerable part of the Harry Potter fans can be psychological, and many components mixed different ideas fans together, in the ten years between watching a non-existent character growth, whether you like it or not, it cannot be denied that it is a successful cultural phenomenon

Harry Porter series of films is a special cultural phenomenon, in the pursuit of profit maximization for the main purpose of contemporary commercial film in ten years, the main actor and film together, never separated, only the" Harry Potter". Several boys grow when exposed to a worldwide audience eyes, many people also lee their daydreams into the hero's body. Warner took a fancy to this point is grasped this point, fans take it and enjoy it. Then, in the movie and see a movie together, a win-win situation is formed, a movie myth becomes reality

I can't be keenly aware of the fans of the" loneliness of being apart", I think this one can be communicated emotion is: ten years of my life and to God, if he really does exist. For their relentless passage of life be contrite and reform oneself perhaps can let me think this movie is produced when a sigh of reason, and this point enough to the success of the film Harry Potter added a footnote. When the mood is ignited, when things are at this stage, when the nostalgia and bid farewell to a generation of fans in the summer of emotional themes," Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ( under)" whether exciting and pleasing to most people, has become less important. Although the pursuit of the interests of people take an ending is divided into two sets to seduce the audience, it is how much the purpose impure, but who cares about this point?


Harry Potter is a very good movie,but I still found a person I dislike in it——Albus Dumbledore.

Yes, I dislike Albus Dumbledore——the man who always says"for greater profits". For prifit, for the profit of the whole wizart community, so he can sacrifice a chessman he doesn't need any more when necessary? First his sister——Ariana Dumbledore, even Harry Potter, the supposed sior of the world, had almost died for it! Although in the last minute of his life, he abandoned himself too......For the profit of the wizard community, he put in himself in the last. Maybe the biggest faulty expression in Voldemort's life is not seeing this part.

Maybe Dumbledore always didn't really like muggles because of his family,but he protected muggle-borns, because it's necerssery——for the development of the wizart community. He might secretly support to build a community that Geller whanted to build in his heart, but he opposed Geller, because he knew, the new regime will not benifit the people. And the way to make that aim come true can't be right, the disadvantage will be far greater than keeping the old system——for the peace of the wizart community.

Dumledore is a realism person, a realism man who is way too resonable and smart.

I forgot which person said——"Where there is war there is sacrifice, but the victory will never belong to Harry Potter." Yes,Where there is war there is sacrifice, but the victory will never belong to Harry Potter......


After reading 《Harry Porter》,I find this book is interesting and meaningful. It taught me that no matter what hen to me, I should keep my courage and make up my mind to struggle with the diffculty. Nothing could beat me, so long as I he attic faith.



After ten years, J.K.R did not let us down. The darkest, fastest-paced, most desperate and dynamic magical adventure of the 7-part series carries the reader along faster than a speeding broomstick chased by Dementors. Throughout, dous must be battled, fears faced, loyalties tested, and grief postponed whilst well-loved characters fall, chapter by chapter, yet there is no time to mourn. Rowling as a narrator has grown up and so has Harry; this no longer feels like a children's story but an epic myth, the echo and inheritor of a centuries-ancient tale told and sung around firesides, full of sound and fury, signifying more than we like to let on - the tug of old archetypes we already know, old tales which still resonate heart-deep, with anyone who has ever wondered who wins, when you pit love against hate, and hope against nihilism.

I am sure there will be sneerers and jeerers at the power of the commercial spell cast worldwide and the ringing tills at midnight, the over-familiarity of the children's-story syntax; they are missing the point. The story of all humankind is the story of a story-telling animal and it is only this which distinguishes us from the other mammals, when it comes to the end. We will always be enchanted and ensled by the telling and re-telling of the same story we all, always want to hear, again and again. The ancient magic of light vs. darkness, heroism and struggle, the bloody clash of battles, wrench of secrets painfully revealed; the warrior tested, the torturous night of the soul, the slow learning of the terrible, yet wonderful fact that no-one is alone, and that in the end, help comes, from friends, from strangers, from unexpected sources; from within and without, because of faith, because of courage, because of love. Of how our own humanity ses us, how our weakness is our strength.

So this latest incarnation of the old, old tale of the resurrected lost one, the lonely one who is loved, the hero who dous, the child who is adult, the griever restored, the victim who triumphs, the Boy Who Lived - is deeply satisfying in the way everyone recognises. Anyone who has fallen asleep at the end of a story, with the author's pact satisfied - I will let you frighten, anger, worry and scare me, if you make it all right at the end. If I learn something, and if they live, if not hy ever after, but if they live - will be replete at the ending of this long saga.

I prefer to think its enormous sucess is not just because of cyncial hyper-successful marketing. I prefer to think that it is because we all love a story, told well, before we lay down to sleep at the end of a long day.After ten years, J.K.R did not let us down. The darkest, fastest-paced, most desperate and dynamic magical adventure of the 7-part series carries the reader along faster than a speeding broomstick chased by Dementors. Throughout, dous must be battled, fears faced, loyalties tested, and grief postponed whilst well-loved characters fall, chapter by chapter, yet there is no time to mourn. Rowling as a narrator has grown up and so has Harry; this no longer feels like a children's story but an epic myth, the echo and inheritor of a centuries-ancient tale told and sung around firesides, full of sound and fury, signifying more than we like to let on - the tug of old archetypes we already know, old tales which still resonate heart-deep, with anyone who has ever wondered who wins, when you pit love against hate, and hope against nihilism.

I am sure there will be sneerers and jeerers at the power of the commercial spell cast worldwide and the ringing tills at midnight, the over-familiarity of the children's-story syntax; they are missing the point. The story of all humankind is the story of a story-telling animal and it is only this which distinguishes us from the other mammals, when it comes to the end. We will always be enchanted and ensled by the telling and re-telling of the same story we all, always want to hear, again and again. The ancient magic of light vs. darkness, heroism and struggle, the bloody clash of battles, wrench of secrets painfully revealed; the warrior tested, the torturous night of the soul, the slow learning of the terrible, yet wonderful fact that no-one is alone, and that in the end, help comes, from friends, from strangers, from unexpected sources; from within and without, because of faith, because of courage, because of love. Of how our own humanity ses us, how our weakness is our strength.

So this latest incarnation of the old, old tale of the resurrected lost one, the lonely one who is loved, the hero who dous, the child who is adult, the griever restored, the victim who triumphs, the Boy Who Lived - is deeply satisfying in the way everyone recognises. Anyone who has fallen asleep at the end of a story, with the author's pact satisfied - I will let you frighten, anger, worry and scare me, if you make it all right at the end. If I learn something, and if they live, if not hy ever after, but if they live - will be replete at the ending of this long saga.

I prefer to think its enormous sucess is not just because of cyncial hyper-successful marketing. I prefer to think that it is because we all love a story, told well, before we lay down to sleep at the end of a long day.






Harry Potter series are my most forite books.There are seven books in total.Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift.When I first read them, I liked them inmediately.The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous.Harry Potter is a kind, bre and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties.Besides, I admire him hing two good friends.They always help him andnever lee him, no matter how bad the conditions are.I am hy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a hy life in the end.




I he a lot of desire can not be completed, if I am a Harry Potter, then I will certainly be able to do.

If I were Harry Potter, I will use my magic magic let human moon, the moon live and work in peace and to create an artificial atmosphere, surrounded by the moon. Laughter on the moon, humans, animals, all people are peaceful coexistence. In this way, the Earth is no longer so many buildings, and roads are more wide, rivers, sea water is also not he to worry about dried up, because the moon he enough water for our use, rapid extinction of some animals will not be human hunting, and human in space, a number of pollution-free green plants, for human use, the development of drugs on the moon than on Earth to develop more effective to overcome the medical field of incurable diseases, treatment of incurable disease. Between Earth and the moon has a track, through Checkpoint, which is very convenient, fast.

If I were Harry Potter, I could use divine power to create Lord of the Rings, put it, could he injured people in the immediate recovery, so that annoying busy people immediately forget the gloom, some soul bad people, it will immediately bring repentance. There is also a Lord of the Rings battle, fighting for use, if foreign invasion, and will be brought to stealth fighters, for more effective actions against the enemy, and the force will increase indefinitely.

If I were Harry Potter, I will eat insects machines and found that pest,捉走immediately,吞进belly, and then out into fertilizer, as an emissary to protect crops.

If I were Harry Potter, I will ------

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As the sequence of the final chapter, the whole story in" O Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ( down )" in the end, cast in be reluctant to part at the same time, also began to plot and characters are analyzed. About Harry Potter in this role, Danny Radcliffe said:" Harry Potter is a pitiful little boy, he experienced a lot of hardships, in the predicament gradually grew up, until now and Voldemort was positive. " Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ( on)" by many people as a action movie to watch, but if it with the next set to do comparison, it is really pale into insignificance by comparison. Wait until the next set, because the plot clues already in this set a good foundation, the rest is total devotion to enjoy the crazy action scenes. This picture of great momentum, before Harry Potter for many years the various grievances and want to vent all in this episode of outbreak, and his friendship, love, and the story of a mother, also be the set demand a focus."

You flee in a sea of books between the famous article 12 often he access to my reciation of masterpiece, but when I touch to which this book, and I'm fascinated by it, for it moved, it looked 10 million times, bear in mind in the hearts. So a read a spell, it will come to mind, a long time can not be dispersed ... ...

Pick up the wand, read out the familiar mantra, it will ear, with me in:

Mingjiao Ha Lipot a child, an unusual child, a birth and they he a fight with the villain Lord Voldemort symbol of a lightning-shaped scar. It was a death curse remainder marks, because her mother's sacrifice of his death became that Road scar reduction. He was uncle had adopted a very wronged childhood, the table has always relied on the Gotha power heads big bully him, and if that was for 11 years. In his 11 birthday, took place an extraordinary thing, changed his life. A very soft surface, the real terror guards Hager sent a letter to his magic school admission letters, to prove that he is a wizard born from a fate. He was pleased to he joined the school and knew a right angle Lane, and a series of things in the world of the shaman. Go to school also recognized the two friends, one is silly silly inside the brain Ron, there is a similar to Harry when the child's mother. One is the high academic achievers of the Hermione, there are two ordinary Muggle parents. (Non-magic people) that they work together to se the Philosopher's Stone, and Voldemort fight tenaciously, finally destroyed Voldemort's dream, won the respect of everyone.

I am very envious of him, and be able to receive notice, but this book I learned a lot, friendship was inadvertently built up, and also understand it's great, the so-called Many hands make light,

Only together can overcome any difficulty. Also admired Harry, Voldemort in front in the face of terrible fear of not the slightest, even if the parents are not Shence, but he is still alive is very valuable for parents in heen can be relieved. This book is written by British writer JK Rowling, I am very grateful to her, and she has shaped our readers he an extraordinary ordinary lives closer to our live image of a flesh and blood, let us in the treling magic world the process, enjoy life, Subway, by Harry come round our readers in a dream ... ...

您的书籍在著名的第12条经常会接触到我的杰作表示赞赏,但是当我接触海上逃往本书,我被它着迷,因为它移动,它期待1000万次,紧铭记在心中。因此,读出咒语的时候会想到,长时间不能散去... ...


明教下利波特一个孩子,一个不寻常的孩子,一出生,他们已与坏蛋伏地魔的闪电形疤痕符号斗争。这是一个死亡的诅咒剩余标志,因为她母亲去世的牺牲成为这条道路疤痕减少。他的叔叔已经取了非常委屈的童年,表上一直依赖哥达元首的权力大欺负他,如果11岁。在他11岁生日,举行了一个特别的事,改变了他的生命。一个非常柔软的表面,真正的恐怖看守海格写信给他的魔法学校的录取通知书,以证明他是从一出生的命运向导。他高兴地加入了学校,也知道了直角里,以及东西巫师的世界大赛。上学也认识到这两位朋友,一个是愚蠢的大脑内部罗恩愚蠢的,有一个类似哈里当孩子的母亲。一个是赫敏品学兼优,有两个普通的麻瓜父母。 (非魔术人),他们一起拯救魔法石,和伏地魔顽强拼搏,终于摧毁了伏地魔的梦想,赢得了所有人的尊重。


只有一同努力,克服任何困难。前面也佩服哈里伏地魔在没有丝毫的恐惧面对可怕的,即使父母不身侧,但他仍然活着是很宝贵的,在天上的父母可以放心。由英国作家罗琳写这本书,我非常感谢她,她塑造了我们的读者有一个非常普通的生活更接近我们的血肉,活的形象,让魔术在旅游的过程中,我们的世界,享受生活,地铁站,由哈里来轮在梦中我们的读者... ...