



5.a review on.英文作文80词左右。。关于影评的










In each of his previous outings, Cameron has pushed the special effects envelope. In Aliens, he cloned H.R. Giger's creation dozens of times, fashioning an army of nightmarish monsters. In The Abyss, he took us deep under the sea to greet a band of benevolent space trelers. In T2, he introduced the morphing terminator (perfecting an effects process that was pioneered in The Abyss). And in True Lies, he used digital technology to choreograph an in-air battle. Now, in Titanic, Cameron's flawless re-creation of the legendary ship has blurred the line between reality and illusion to such a degree that we can't be sure what's real and what isn't. To make this movie, it's as if Cameron built an all-new Titanic, let it sail, then sunk it.


While Titanic is easily the most subdued and dramatic of Cameron's films, fans of more frantic pictures like Aliens and The Abyss will not be disointed. Titanic has all of the thrills and intensity that movie-goers he come to expect from the director. A dazzling mix of style and substance, of the sublime and the spectacular, Titanic represents Cameron's most accomplished work to date. It's important not to let the running time hold you back -- these three-plus hour pass very quickly. Although this telling of the Titanic story is far from the first, it is the most memorable, and is deserving of Oscar nominations not only in the technical categories, but in the more substantive ones of Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress.



**报告(Screening Report)


**评论(Movie Review)

movie review是我们大部分留学生都比较熟悉、常见于报刊杂志的一种**分析论文作业形式。它的主要写作目的是介绍或推荐大家要不要去看某部**,在前面的文章我们也给大家具体分析过如何去写movie review。

理论文章(Theoretical Essay)


评论文章(Critical Essay)
















视点(Point of View):广义地说,它指看的位置,及暗示视点决定你所见之事的方式。狭义地说,视点是有形的,更深入一层,视点可以是心理的和文化的。通常,**使用客观的视点,它所呈现的并不局限于任何人的视角。视点是评写**的一个核心词汇,基本上**都是以某种特定的方式来看待世界的。























the feeling after reading Mulan This morning,I sat on the chair near the window and listened to the birds ,reading this book—Mulan .I he heard hundreds of times.I can say, she was with me throughout my childhood. But every time I pick up this book ,I always he more feelings.

Hua Mulan,as we all know,she was a bre woman.Since she was born,she he had an optimistic nature and a strong heart,just like a boy. As the Emperor called up a man in every family to the battleground .At that time her father was ill and old and her brother was only a little boy.So Mulan decided to join the fight resolutely instead of her father.

Why Mulan can become a general but others can’t? We can think this question in our mind.Why? Because she has a bre

heart! On the battleground,she didn’t fear the enemies.She shouted to her army.She fighted the emery courageously,countless enemies stepped by her foot.She sed the endless national dignity and honour. All her battle companions thought she was a real man!

In the army,nobody knew she was a woman in fact.In my eyes,This bre woman is more man than a real man instead.

If you he a bre heart,you won’t fear the difficulties in your life. However,how can we he a bre heart?We all know,failure is the mother of success.When we go through some difficulties,we will he a bre heart.By then,you will not fear the difficulties,the competition,and even the enemies.










 This is a simple story about a loyal dog.There is no intricate plot,and even it is only a straight still,but it was still moved me deeply with its most simple pieces of normal life which we can easily find around us such as the train station,the restaurant, the food stand and a warm home.Maybe you will only think it is a moving film; maybe you had been impressed by the loyal of the dog;or maybe you will think there is nothing special and it is just a movie. But I view it differently.

 The story is rearranged by a real story.Hatchi is an unusual dog which belongs to akita.The real Hatchi,the dog in this story, was born in Odatr Japan in 1923.As soon as his master Dr.Eisabour Uero,a professor at Tokyo University,died in May 1925. Hatchi returned to the Shibuya train station the next day after professor died and for the next nine years to wait,until Hatchi himself died.

 In the movie Hatchi crossed an ocean and thousands of miles of transportation by train,and then he met Parker (the main actor) in a snowy day.Because it was snowing and the dog, Hatchi,was lost.Parker took Hatchi back to his home,and then kept it.Parker treated it very well and so did Hatchi.When Hatchi had grown up,he fetched parker to work everyday.

 All these years they played together,bathed together, slept together and Parker ge Hatchi full-body massage everyday.They just look like a couple.Parker looks hy because Hatchi is hy,and Hatchi’s hy due to Parker being hy. But Hatchi never fetched ball for anyone even Parker,so he went to his Japanese friend,Ken,for help.Ken told Parker that the akita will never get the ball unless there are some special reasons.However,Parker didn’t notice what Ken told him.In the morning of last day of Parker’s life,Hatchi felt that something bad would hen to Parker,and it tried his best to stop Parker going to work,and Hatchi fetched ball for Parker to tell him to stop.But it was pity that Parker only paid all his attention to Hatchi’s first fetching and ignored the special reasons of fetching. He said “Come on boy,I he to go to work or I’ll be late.See you at 5.Stay! Go home!Go on.”

 Finally,the old professor,Parker,hadn’t come back as he said,and he will never come back.He broke the engagement he made with Hatchi.He left everybody on the earth up to heen.As the old professor’s friends and relatives nobody could accepted the fact that Parker has dead.As the result,professor’s wife,Kate,escaped all the staff which will let she recall the memories about Parker,so she sold the house where they used to live and was away from the small town.

 Meanwhile she sent Hatchi to her daughter,but Hatchi always ran out of her house,and try its best to back to station,because Hatchi and professor had a deal to meet each other.He’s so firmly persisted on the engagement that Parker’s daughter,Andy,had to ge up and let it go.While, he you ever noticed the detail that how unwilling Hatchi was when it left professor,because Hatchi can't apart with Andy,too.But he missed Parker too much, he had to Andy and his warm home.

 Then Hatchi spent ten years waiting for his master,his only friend coming back.Ten years time,maybe it is just one-tenth of a human life,but for a dog that means its whole life.During those years Hatchi hadn’t exact place to live,just come and go to the train station everyday at the same place and time.

 He you even considered why Hatchi spent all his life just for waiting? After a long time consideration,I find the answer in the end.The only reason is that Hatchi he nothing but his master.The hiest time of Hatchi is the time with Parker;the most enjoyable time of Hatchi is the time fetching Parker to work.

 Just one year after Parker’s death, Ken came to the station and had a look at Hatchi.He felt as sorrow as Hatchi.He tried his best to persuade Hatchi to lee because Parker’s never coming back.But he didn’t succeed,and said “If Hatchiko wants to wait,then Hatchiko should wait.You want to wait for him,didn’t you?Then,you most he a long life.”

 Then ten years past,Hatchi became a dirty and rather old guy.Over these years,everything had changed but Hatchi’s endless waiting and loyalty had never changed.One day Parker’s wife backed to the small town and saw Hatchi was still stand there waiting.She cried and said “You,old thing,you are still waiting,let me wait for the next train together with you please.” Hearing these tough words and seeing the loyal dog I cried sadly.

 This is Hatchi’s whole life.He almost spent all his life only doing one thing—waiting for its only friend Parker,waiting to complete the uncompleted engagement.

 Hatchi’s story showed how great the power of loyalty and love is with all his life.He tell us what the real loyalty and true love is.Because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi spent all his life waiting;because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi sacrisficed all his youth just for waiting;because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi abandon the warm house of Parker’s daughter.I think that is the real loyalty,the ture love.However,in our human life,how many of us can be as loyalty as an animal;how many person can be loyal to another one for even ten years?I think nobody can.

 In the end of the film Parker’s grandson asked Kate “Where did grandpa found Hatchi?”She answered “I suppose that Hatchi hened to found your grandpa.”I believe that as soon as Parker and Hatchi hened to meet,Hatchi had already found its own destination, and then the loyalty and love was built.

 Loyalty isn’t mean to be that I love you and it won’t change in the next ten thousand years;loyalty isn’t mean to be that I will wait for you for the rest of my life; loyalty isn’t mean to be that I love you beyond myself.However, loyalty is a sense of responsibility; loyalty is a sense of selfness, loyalty is a sense of concern.

 The word “loyalty” is consisting of 7 letters, and I think each letter stand for different meanings:








 Actually,to be loyal to someone is easy is easy to say, but hard to do.To be loyal,you should never forget anyone that you loved.



 于懵懂看完整部**,最多的就是看到秋田犬hachi对主人的忠诚,既片尾小主人公还说了一句话。You should never fotget anyone that you’ve loved.(我们不该忘记爱过的每一个人),随着进入片尾曲,我在思索。不该忘记爱过的人是否有些不妥。在发生用爱这个词去命名一段感情时,无论亲情、友情、爱情。无非有这三种情况,互相爱、给予爱、被给予爱。








Today, at the recommendation of our teacher, I watched the " dream ring trel notes", a film produced jointly by Walter Disney film studio and Pixar animation studio.The film mainly tells the story of Miguel, a music-loving boy, and eckerto, a down-and-out musician, who he embarked on a wonderful adventure in a colorful and mysterious world.The film is a true blend of Mexico's traditional festivals: the day of the dead, when Mexicans think people die only to another world, a better world than the real world, continue to live, on the day of the dead can be returned to earth, and live family reunion。


Coco exploits one of the most important Mexican traditions in a very respectful way, it shows what Día de Muertos it's all about, the one night a year where we can reunite with our beloved ones that are no longer here.

Pixar-Disney jumps out of the box, once again, and lee all the princess and fairy stories to show us the importance of family and traditions in a unique funny and colorful story. All the characters are right on point, they grow together learning from each other making it one of the most emotional and pleasing movie I've seen in a long time.

A movie that will make you laugh and cry, Coco might be a movie for children but a guarantee everyone will just love it.

(gabiirrs, November 3,2017, IMDB)


Coco exploits one of the most important Mexican traditions in a very respectful way, it shows what Día de Muertos it's all about, the one night a year where we can reunite with our beloved ones that are no longer here. Pixar-Disney jumps out of the box, once again, and lee all the princess and fairy stories to show us the importance of family and traditions in a unique funny and colorful story. All the characters are right on point, they grow together learning from each other making it one of the most emotional and pleasing movie I've seen in a long time. A movie that will make you laugh and cry, Coco might be a movie for children but a guarantee everyone will just love it. (gabiirrs, November 3,2017, IMDB)。




于是,他踏上了一条通向未知的路。 这是米格关于梦想的选择,引出了后面的亡灵节奇遇。

**中的每个人都做出了不同的选择,有人选择原谅,有人选择愤怒,有人选择毁尸灭迹,有人选择后悔救赎,不同的人,做出了不同的反应,并得到了不同的结局。 现实生活中的我们,也是如此,需要做出不同的选择。

稳定或漂泊?和好或分手?坚持梦想或陪伴家人? 好像没有完全正确的答案,只能是深思熟虑后,做出选择,并承担结果。这哪里是动画片,分明发出了毫不逊色于文艺片的拷问。

当这个世上没有任何人记得你时,你将彻底消失。 **中亡灵们在亡灵节这天,只要有人供奉他们的照片,他们就能通过那座花瓣桥,回到现实中跟亲人团聚。

无人供奉照片的人无法回去,因为没有人想要记住他了。 与死亡相比,我们更害怕被人遗忘。




像是加了料的跳跳糖,从舌尖接触的那一刻,纷纷炸裂,如同隐藏在生命中的记忆球,破裂开来,涌进脑海,又快速撤离,消失不见。 跟死亡相比,爱要更绵长恒久,它是我们死后都不会忘记的事,像是永不熄的灯,照亮着亡灵的内心。

就像**中,落魄歌手埃克托想要走过那座桥见一见自己的女儿,可因无人供奉照片他过不去,只能想方设法请米格回去后帮他。 爱让我们勇敢,勇敢到哪怕死后都想为某些人存在着。

所以,除了剧情感人外,真正惹我们哭泣的,还有那份正在逐渐丧失的“爱的能力”和那颗不再袒露真实感受的心。 换句更通俗点的表达就是有爱的人将生生不息,无爱的人易万劫不复。












A 12-year-old boy named Miguel Rivera who is accidentally transported to the land of the dead, where he seeks the help of his musician great-great-grandfather to return him to his family among the living.

故事讲述的是一个名叫Miguel Rivera的12岁男孩,他意外地被送到了亡灵的土地上,在那里,他寻求他高曾音乐家祖父的帮助,让他回到他原来的家中。

Critics consensus 影评人怎么说?

Charming, stunning, and heart-wrenching in every movement, Coco has swiftly joined the ranks of Pixar's finest.每一刻都令人陶醉, 极具吸引力, 打动人心, 相信这部影片会很快成为皮克斯的最佳创作。

The movie is set against the backdrop of Día de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), the Mexican holiday when families gather to honor ancestors by building altars to them and decorating their gre sites. 影片的背景是墨西哥的亡灵节Día de los Muertos. 家人们聚集在一起,为纪念祖先而建造祭坛,并装饰他们的墓地。

Pays tribute to Mexican culture with joyful, colorful Dia de los Muertos story:用欢快、富有色彩的亡灵节影片主题向墨西哥文化致敬。





米格被多彩绚丽的亡灵世界所震撼,而更令他的惊喜的是,他重逢了失去的母亲和祖辈们,一家人要想办法将米格重新送回人间。翻译:Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy from a shoemaker's family, had a musical dream when he was a child, but music was forbidden by the family and they thought they were cursed by music. When MIG secretly pursued the music dream, he set foot on the land of the dead because he touched a guitar.Every year on the festival of the dead, families who he passed away return to the world to be reunited with their relatives, but no one has ever been to the world of the dead. Mig was shocked by the colorful world of the dead, and even more surprising was that he met his lost mother and grandparents, and the family tried to bring Mig back to earth。


Miguel is a 12-year-old boy.He and his family live in a small village in Mexico(墨西哥).Music is Miguel's forite in the world.But his family hatesit.Every time they hear the boy say," I want to be a musician,"they get really angry.This is because Miguel's great-great grandfather(高祖父)was once a famous musician,but heleft(离开)his family.Miguel finds out that his forite musician,Ernesto de la Cruz, is probably(可能)his great-great grandfather.How exciting that is!希望能帮助到你,望纳!!。





Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy from a shoemaker's family, had a musical dream when he was a child, but music was forbidden by the family and they thought they were cursed by music. When MIG secretly pursued the music dream, he set foot on the land of the dead because he touched a guitar.

Every year on the festival of the dead, families who he passed away return to the world to be reunited with their relatives, but no one has ever been to the world of the dead. Mig was shocked by the colorful world of the dead, and even more surprising was that he met his lost mother and grandparents, and the family tried to bring Mig back to earth.

a review on.英文作文80词左右。。关于影评的


Actors, fine arts, special effects, soundtrack, are still excellent, but I can't restrain my disdain for screenwriters. The place that should be explained carefully is taken with a brush, and the place that should be done in a hurry is tedious.


In addition, the director does not he strong narrative skills, that is to say, a good one, the story is first changed to be rotten, and then it is shot by people without thinking. Naturally, it is difficult for people to understand and enjoy it.


The final part of the final showdown is a series of failures. Dumbledore asked Phoenix to bring Harry the Academy hat, and Voldemort scoffed at it.


In the original work, it is written that Harry grabs his hat on his head, prays silently with his eyes closed, and asks his hat to help him when his life is at stake and there is nothing he can do.


At this time, something hit him on the head, it is the sword of Gryffindor, and then there is the plot of Harry using the sword to defeat the giant snake.


In order to find the last Horcrux and destroy it, Harry and his gang return to school. Voldemort also begins to attack the school. The final battle between Harry and Voldemort is doomed to end with Harry's victory.


A Film Review of Kung Fu Panda

The film Kung Fu Panda is really a great success. It was set in America. It's very interesting and meaningful.

The Kung Fu Panda is a comedy. The leading character is a panda whose name is Po. It’s a story about Po.He is lazy first.But he has a great dream------to be a kung fu master.However, nobody thinks he can do it. To make his dream come true, he goes to a faraway temple to learn kung fu from a master. From then on ,his hard life starts.His master teaches him all kinds of kungfu,and he keeps working hard.At last he becomes a real kung fu master.When Po is learning kung fu in the temple,one of his brothers, Tai Long,becomes most powerful. He is a bad man.He wants to become the kung fu master too.He kills many of his brothers ,including the master.Then Po knows what he should do.He goes back from the temple and fights against Tai Long.At last Po defeats Tai Long.The film is good for everyone, especially for kids.




 Guardians of the Galaxy

 The film adapted from the Marvel comic, as the way it once was, there is no dou that the movie talks about some hero sing people. But in this movie, the hero sed the Galaxy. In the beginning, a little boy was listening music outside the ward, his mother was dying, but the boy can?t acceptit. He run out, at this time,a space ship came out and took him away. Then the scene changed, an interstellar robberfound a mysterious energy ball,but he didn?t expectit would bring complete change in his life.Yes, he was the lost boy from earth many years ago. In order to protect the energy ball, he got some other hero. And this team is not only powerful but also very funny and full of love. Anyway, it?s a film worth seeing


 The pianist

 This is a movie though the Jewish pianist?seyes of the Germans during World WarⅡ and exposed to the cruel massacre of the Jews. Before the Nazi came to power, the family of the pianist was living well. With the Nazi persecution of the Jews deepened, the family lived more and more hard. They were forced to move to a cluster with other Jews, and then one day they had to lee for another unknown place. What impressed me so much is the old father bought a small milk sugar and then cut it to pieces for other families. But soon they were separated, the families were taken to concentration camp, only the pianist sed by a Jew assistant police. After that, the pianist started the long road to escape.



 This is a story recalled by protagonist in his childhoodabout 4 boys went to search a dead body. And all of these boys are not hy because of the disharmony home environment, the protagonist?s parents are not fond of him, they believe he was not good as his dead brother.The leader is a boy who looks like a thug, but he is the best friend of protagonist, and in fact, he is a smart and kind person.Their journey was arduous with many challenges along the way. In the end, they found the dead body, and the protagonist found himself.



 On Christmas Eve, the boy received a teddy bear. The boy had no friend, so he wished teddy bear can be alive and talk with him. The next morning, his dream came true, teddy bear talked! And all of countries are shocked. Ted grew up with the boy to adult, and his mind grew too, but they are still best friend. But the man?s girlfriend thought Ted is spare part in their life, so she wanted Ted to lee. The man thought highly of Ted, so he would rather break with his girlfriend. For his best friend, Ted decided to lee. At this time, a Ted?s crazy fan kidned Ted. The man and his girlfriend found it and sed Ted out. This movie was rated 12A because of some adult dialogue and scenes, but I think is a good film that tell us the choice between the friendship and love is very important.



 This is a very good film, which is about the World WarⅡ. At the end of the war, the United States joined the fight to Germany. The movie talked about a tank named?FURY? fight to Nazi.The soldiers in it thought the tank as their home, and the leader was a hero who sed others many times. In the beginning, they he some other comrades-in-arms, five tanks were destroyed one by one. At last, the ?FURY? was the last one who still can fight. And at this time, they got a mission to slow the enemy at a crossroads. But in fact, they knew it?s impossible to finish it alive. They tried their best but at last they failed because of outnumbered.


"Heart beating" is a small, special film, it will put you in a warm, interesting, and full of humanistic atmosphere, until finally give you a look is not so unreliable beautiful story.


It's a family movie with great motivation. It has lessons about the details of first love and life, which is much better than putting some talented characters in the center of the movie.



