

3.《惊情四百年》 英文影评

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I am read a <ha li bo te > ha li bo te is a good student, he is bre .l like him .he is my idol. l am going to publicize at school .谢谢大家。望楼主纳。




《remember me》 的英文影评208篇:




第一步 前期准备观影之前,应带上笔记本。**时间很长,你会很容易忘记**中的一些细节和重要部分。你可以先记下你在观影时注意到的一些细节,写评论时再回过头来看。这样在写评论时非常起作用。但是,这并不是说要把所有的注意力都集中在记笔记上。你只需简要而又迅速地记下自己认为特别喜欢或不喜欢的部分,如背景音乐很差,演员装扮很差,灯光很差这些部分。第二步 观影把注意力集中在**细节上。这些细节主要有:(1)**名称(2)主要角色(3)情节概述(4)如果你看过该导演拍摄的其它**,思考一下它们异同点。(5)**执导(7)服装设计**中的服饰是否适合**的风格。(8)布景设计(9)背景音乐。第三步 完善笔记看完**后立刻回过头来完善你刚才的笔记。尽量做到具体和完整,如果你能回忆更多细节,也写下来。第四步 写影评的开头写作一定要清晰易懂。一定要记住,那些要读你文章的人或许还没有观看这部**,因此,如果你想让你的读者知道某个角色是谁,他们在看了你的文章后感觉不清晰,那么他们就不会喜欢你的文章。写评论要有很强的解释性,让事情变得简单易懂。文章开头要写些基本信息。包括**的名称、主要角色、导演、**类型、背景以及概要。但不要草草地把所有事实都列出。要以一种有趣而又详实的方式摊开这些信息。第五步 评判该**既然你已经向读者解释了**的基本信息,读者也对该**也有了初步的认识,现在就是写评判的时候了。第六步 举例说明第七步 写一处令人难忘的结尾文章最后要向读者表明你对该**的总体看法。这块儿是解释你是否喜欢该**的最好部分。比如说,你可以写“该**有趣又令人兴奋,尽管缺少明星阵容。”第八步 通读你的评论确保你的写作足够清晰、完整、有趣,以及结尾处有总体看法。另外看看有没有一些事实错误或者错别字之类的。

《惊情四百年》 英文影评


When we are enjoying the beautiful love story of Rose and Jack, we should also pay attention to the following 5 exciting facts of the movie with 3D technology:

3D特效(感觉教3D 冰山是不是更好一点...)

3D Iceberg

Two hours' fancy ball party, body sketch, and the scene are all working for the moment when the iceberg hits the ship. After re-made by 3D tech, we believe that iceberg would look even more terrifying. It will definitely take your breath away.


The Necklace

The necklace "the Heart of the Ocean" Rose was carrying in the movie must be a lot of girls' dream gift. With the 3D vision of the necklace, the audiance could he a "close contact" with this priceless piece of jewelry.

I Am the King of the World!

Imagine seeing the exciting moment when Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) was standing at the very head of the ship and yelled "I am the king of the world " in a 3D setting! How amazing that would be?


The Sinking

The sinking of Titanic is definitely the core of the movie. With the power of 3D technology, the effect must be more vivid, shocking and alive.


Ocean Treasure Hunting

He you ever dreamed of under water treasure hunting but never had the courage to do it? Let the movie help you make your dream come true. 3D technology will unveil the mystery of the ocean world for you. And the best part of it is? It is absolutly safe for the audiance.


User Reviews (Review this title) 61 out of 90 people found the following review useful. One of the most romantic stories ever told, 29 October 2001

Author: Hai Wei LiuThe background of this story is the myth / legend of Count Vlad Dracula (son of count Dracul) ‘nicknamed' Vlad Tepes (Vlad the impaler). Vlad was, as the film tells us a warlord in the 15th century who fought the Turks. According to the myth he drank the blood of his victims and impaled them. This is a real myth, as it was and maybe even is still believed in Rumania. A lot of information about Vlad Dracula was later gathered by Irish writer Bram Stoker, who, combined it with myths of vampires into this tale of the well known blood -–sucking Vampire. Another thing that is real in this film are the pictures in the book Vampyr, which is read by van Helsing (Anthony Hopkins) in this movie. The pictures you find there are also to be found in history and school books, complete with ancient writings beside them.

I will not reveal to you the nature of the plot, but I must say this bloody horror film is one of the most sad and romantic stories ever told. It is about a man who loses his wife and cannot rejoin her in another life. So he turns against anything people in the 15th century believed in and is punished by god to wander the earth as the undead. He is cursed to be feared and hunted, for he needs to drink the blood of man to keep alive. He is nosferatu (vamyr), he is Count Dracula.

He lives miserably for about 400 years until he falls in love again. And by doing so we are dragged into the fortune and misery of a creature who lives eternally. He is alive, but lifeless on the inside. He is rich, gentle and loving, yet he must feast on humans to survive. He is damned forever, whilst he did not do anything wrong.

The settings of this great story is late 19th century Europe (England and Karpathia). Karpathia is not well known to man, the wild side of Europe. All this bears with it the mysticism of this story and the epic and tragic background. As for Dracula (Gary Oldman) himself, he drags us into a world of blood, lust and erotica. He seems only to be driven by his great love for Mina (Winona Ryder) and the need of being together with her. TRUE LOVE

There are some great (and famous) actors in this film: Anthony Hopkins, Winona Ryder, Gary Oldman, Cary Elwes and Keanu Reeves. They all contribute greatly to this film, although I must say that the best acting comes from Gary Oldman (Dracula), Sadie Frost (Lucy), Sir Anthony Hopkins (van Helsing) and music legend Tom Waits (Renfield). Do not get me wrong the rest is good to and do their job's well, but these four really put the dot on the i.

Besides the actors there are a lot of things that stand out (look at the list of prizes and nominations at the Oscars), but I must say two people are left unaccounted for there. The director Francis Ford Copolla and the genius behind the haunting and touching music Wojciech Kilar. They both bring so much to the greatness of this film, I would he felt like an idiot if I had left them out.

This does not only make an excellent horror / epic / romantic film, but surely is (in my opinion) a great date flick, about love everlasting and the tragedy of a man who is cursed to live forever and roam the world alone, for he is feared and hunted.