
2.傲慢与偏见英文简介 要有中文翻译





It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of wife.




Pride and Prejudice is the most famous of Jane Austen’s novels. The whole book is without any overwhelming effects and the plot has no intricate details, but still I really get lost in this simple but exquisite story.


The central male character of the novel, Darcy, who often ears haughty or proud outwardly but possesses an honest and kind nature underneath, is a member of a wealthy family and the easy circumstances in life make him oblivious to his arrogance. The female protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, is an intelligent woman with a thoughtful cast of mind, she is so stuck in first impression, and so self-assured for hing excellent powers of observation that she finds herself in a fine pass due to her prejudice. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth at first sight, but their pride and prejudice he led to a series of misunderstanding between them. In a surprising manner Darcy declares his love to Elizabeth, and expresses his desire to marry her in spite of her objectionable family; feeling insulted and furious, Elizabeth refuses him in no uncertain terms……however, Darcy finally manages to let her see his kind and loving nature, and persuade her to reconsider her opinion of him while he himself has also changed his arrogant attitude.


The story is about love and marriage of aristocrats, but the concept of morality of marriage still has a practical significance today. Jane Austen reflected her perspective in marriage through the different marriage roaches of Mr. Bennet’s five daughters; it’s wrong to marry for the purpose of property, money and social status, but it’s also stupid to marry without considering these factors. So, she did not condone marry for money, as well as loveless marriages. She emphasized the importance of ideal marriages, and the mutual affections of couples are depicted as a foundation for a good marriage.

注:1. 我不赞同‘达西对伊莉莎白一见钟情’的说法; 因为一开始宾利建议达西去邀请伊丽莎白跳舞时,达西拒绝了,而且还傲慢地说,她的美貌还不够格吸引他。伊丽莎白无意中听到了,因此对达西的第一印象坏透了,并对他产生极强的偏见!

2. 滂沱的气势是否是磅礴的气势的笔误?翻译软件都译成下大雨了。

傲慢与偏见英文简介 要有中文翻译


Will be buried in too deep feelings sometimes is a bad thing. If a woman to cover up his own love of the man's feelings, she may he lost his chance.(我自己翻译的)



Pride and Prejudice is the most enduringly popular novel written by Jane Austen. It talks about trivial matters of love, marriage and family life between country squires and fair ladies in Britain in the 18th century. The plot is very simple. That is how the young ladies choose their husbands. Someone said that “Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel, flatly rejected William Collins’ proposal, who is the heir of her father’s property and manor, and refused the first proposal from the extremely wealthy nobleman Fitzwilliam Darcy later,”(1) all this makes it clear that Elizabeth “seeks no fame nor fortune, but self-improvement and high mental outlook.”(1) It’s right. From the view point of Austen, Elizabeth’s marriage, who finally marries Darcy, as well as Jane-Bingley’s, composing money and love, is the ideal marriage people should after. But in other marriage cases in this novel, we can see that if money and love can’t be held together in one marriage, love would always make a concession to money because of the special social background. After reading through the whole book, we will find that money acts as the cause of each plot and the clue of its development. It affects everybody’s words and deeds, even Elizabeth Bennet. Tony Tanner once said, “Jane Austen, as well as other authors, is very clear that no feeling could be extremely pure and no motive could be definitely single. But as long as it is possible, we should make it clear that which feeling or motive plays the leading role.”

傲慢与偏见言是最热门的,长期奥斯丁. 它谈家常爱情 婚姻和家庭生活之间的乡绅、窈窕淑女英国18世纪. 剧情很简单. 这是怎样的年轻女士选择丈夫. 有人说:"伊丽莎白贝内特,主角的,断然拒绝了威廉柯林斯的建议, 谁是继承父亲的财产和庄园、 第一项建议,拒绝从有钱帅府fitzwilliam达西后来"(1)这清楚地表明伊丽莎白一切"也不谋求任何名利富贵 但是自我完善和高精神风貌. "(1)的权利. 从工作上看奥斯丁、伊丽莎白的婚姻,他终于娶达西,以及简-bingley的, 作曲金钱与爱,是理想的人结婚后应. 但在另一本婚姻案件, 我们可以看到,如果金钱与爱情不能在一起举行一次婚姻 爱情总是让步,因为对金钱的特殊社会背景. 通读全书后, 我们会发现金钱作为各事业自身发展的线索和情节. 它影响到每个人的言行,甚至伊丽莎白约翰. 汤尼丹曾说:"奥斯丁,以及其它作者 很清楚,极可能没有感觉、没有动机单纯可以肯定单一. 但只要有可能, 我们要清楚表明它的动机或感情的主角. "


Mr Bennett's eldest daughter, a beautiful kind, gentle earance. But she reserved personality and the ladies will regulate their feelings was laying low, always wait until the last Bingelai asked her to marry him. Their coming together is completely in line with the "ceremony" bourgeois "freedom of choice", "love" marriage "model." Banff's mother, Lidiya well as the popular little, entered the Shejiaojie, she naturally lightly. Some days I wonder Heights born after the mother's beautiful genetic, inherited from the mother's stupid and vanity, I had noted earlier, Hann compatible with the elegance of the officers were confused, 1:00 emotional outburst, and eloped with him and left. The experience of marriage but not with each other professionals. Hann short of Lidiya love tense situation soon, Kiribati for pleasure trips to London, Although the marriage should be consistent and Lidiya's reputation is still keen on U.S. adolescents and dance. They spend their lives become, insolvent, and to find cheaper rent a house elsewhere. Their marriage is not built on the basis of mutual respect and filled to the brim with affection. Here, the author clearly shows their views : No love is not a hy marriage. Lu ? They're just spoiled Charlotte Lucas and Lidiya contrary, it is extremely practical and rational men. Has usually, but not long-makers he not made any property, remains to be married. Social status, economic conditions, and her earance she was not the ideal choice bit of property but not a love marriage. Bush said Charlotte is a fatalistic, competent and good-hearted wife, then Elizabeth is a typical woman with the spirit of the resistance, the authors put all our hopes and dreams are pinned on Elizabeth body. In the book, the author describes how the focus on Elizabeth and Darcy's marriage, the marriage is the most successful author in mind. The ideal marriage of the most successful. When the arrogant Darcy put away Elizabeth elimination of prejudice. Between the two of them he a sincere love and eventually formed a hy marriage tie. Elizabeth and Darcy in Jane Austen through marriage, stressed again : hy marriage must be based on love, based on the "Love must not be married." Darcy and Elizabeth authors praise the marriage of the world set a good example of the marriage.



Moreover, the author has created in the novel some distinctive characters from the everyday mundane matters, irrespective of whether they deserve her recognition such as Elizabeth and Darcy, or those ridiculed and lampooned subjects such as Wickham and Collins, all are realistically and movingly depicted. Darcy is the character I am most fond of, initially, he gives others an impression of looking down his nose at people disdainfully, possibly because of hing seen enough of the hypocrisy amongst people, and concluded that there are scarcely any people worthy of his admiration.


But if you look at some of the characters in the novel, don’t you think his perception is not far from accurate? Mrs. Bennet and a few other characters all he the shortcomings of snobbishness, as well as the several vulgar and licentious sisters in the Bennet family. However, the often confident Darcy gradually realizes his character weakness after being subjected to Elizabeth’s contemptuous rejections; he later transforms into a very amiable person and his behior becomes friendly and polite.



Meanwhile, the language used by Austen is well polished; she’s particular about the humor and sarcasm used in the art of dialogue, often vividly presents the personality traits of her characters with breezy and witty language, and this innovative art makes her works full of her own distinctive features.

To sum up, whether it is the plot in the story, the moral consciousness of marriage, the characters or the language used, they are all the reasons for my fondness of this book.

How could I join them (men) on to the little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work with so fine a brush, as produces little effect after much labour?

译文: 我怎么可以与他们相提并论呢? 我只是用一枝精巧的画笔在丁点大小(两英寸宽)的象牙上轻描慢绘,很费劲然而果效不大。


相比起同一时期的男性作家,他们就好像在大画布上挥毫泼墨,而我的作品就只像在两英寸宽的象牙上用一枝精巧的画笔轻描慢绘, 用细致的笔调来刻画生活的点滴以反映人性。